Each time she said it my brain would revert back to my childhood and I'd think of Mojo JoJo. I think that was his name. He was a monkey. He was evil.
It's a "I wanna crawl into my coffe cup and run away to the mountains" kinda day. Everyone is tugging at me for commitments and answers.
I just want to go fishing damnit.
You kissed me about a hundred times more than I expected you to kiss me ever again. But every kiss made my boots heavier. Knowing I wanted it. Knowing it was wrong. Knowing it meant something but knowing that something meant nothing. Wondering how I'm going to stop.
There was a life to be built. But the fear of your absence will always be looming over my head.
And that's why I just want to go fishing. Damnit.
Yours until the pigs fly,
Alessondra Marie