Tuesday, November 22, 2011

3 Rounds and a Sound

I'm currently making a pumpkin pie. I'm waiting for my pumpkin to get steamed. 

I named my pumpkin Jimi. I'm not sure why. It just seemed appropriate. 

Unfortunately, Jimi's slaughter (I had to cut him into 5ths) may be in vain. I have no clue what I'm doing. 

Aside from being lost in my pumpkin pie making, I'm lost in nearly everything I do.

Writing doesn't even make sense to me anymore. Which is why I haven't posted anything lately. Don't get me wrong, I have been writing. I just haven't written anything worth posting lately.

Even though I lack inspiration, I try to write because thats what a writer does. We write even when we can't think of anything to write about. How could I expect to be a better writer if I don't push through the times that'll teach me the most? That'd be like giving up on God as soon as the emotional high of the Holy Spirit wears off.  But let me tell you, writing is usually the only thing that makes sense to me all of the time. So when I get writers block, it's like my whole life spirals into chaos. 

Although not always enjoyable, I do have a life outside of writing. 

I went to a concert on Sunday. It was one of the best concerts of my life. It wasn't a high energy concert, so no, there was no moshing. But that didn't matter. I don't like moshing anyway. 

We were right in front of the stage. I'm relatively certain Israel looked straight at us. Being the dumbfounded fan-girl that I am, I gawked at them during their finale. It was pretty amazing. They came off the stage with us. They performed their last song completely unplugged. The whole audience on the floor fell onto their bums because that's what the band wanted. Like children, we sat criss-cross-apple-sauce in front of Blind Pilot, and listened to them play what was clearly their most meaningful song. Fortunately it was the best performance I have ever seen. Unfortunately, I will never be able to listen to the song the same way. After you sing a song with the artist that wrote it, you can't listen to the damn thing without remembering how much it meant to them. Seeing it performed with such care didn't quite taint it or ruin it, but it certainly changed my perspective of the song.

It baffled me, how much respected their music. That's the way a performer should be. 

One day, I hope to learn how to respect my music. I'll eventually create songs. And when I do, I will respect it my music much as Blind Pilot respected theirs. 

I will never perform for the love of performing, but for the love of the music, and the love I have for what my music is for. 

I hope this suffices for the lack of posts I've done lately. 

"Now I see you, 'til kingdom come
You're the one I want
to see me for all
the stupid shit I've done

Soil and six feet under,
Kept just like we were
Before you knew you'd know me
and you know me

Blooming up from the ground
3 rounds and a sound
Like whispering "you know me.
You know me."

So this was our song
This was our song.
I still see the lights
I can see them"

Yours until the pigs fly, 
Alessondra Marie

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