Monday, December 5, 2011

Childish Expectations

When I was younger, I wanted so badly to be an adult. I was a mere thirteen, begging to be recognized. No one validated my fears or desires. Not to say that I was neglected. 
Because I wasn't.
Not by any stretch. 

But anxiety drowned out my voice. I wanted to be older just so I could be heard. 

And here I am. Sixteen. 
Responsibilities are handed to me. Without question, I'm expected to meet nearly unfair expectations. 
And of course I can. I usually just don't want to. 

I am not an adult. 
I'm a child stuck in this body that grows and learns far too fast for my heart to keep up. 

Unfortunately I can't slow it down. Life keeps going...

Yours until the pigs fly,
Alessondra Marie

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