Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fictional Stories.

I read it and i felt my face turn numb. 


you are?

i saw everything our friendship had built up to be crumble down and reconstruct itself in an instant.
the way i saw things go, the plans we fantasized.
it all all melted away.

beyond that, her life, the shinning star she planned on being, suddenly became out of reach.
all her hard work, all the effort she's made to satisfy everyone else became useless. 

the one thing she had to make herself happy became the one thing that truly turned around and bit her in the ass.

a moment of trust.
it changed her life.

she'll have a lifetime of regrets. 
or a subconscious constantly denying reality.

she doesn't have the brain capacity to not go into denial. 
i don't think any of us do. 

this is not real.

yours until the pigs fly,
alessondra marie. 

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