Friday, September 30, 2011


days like this, i want to destroy something.
something of value.
something greatly cherished, or expensive. 

days like this, i want to pretend i'm five, just to throw a tantrum.
in the middle of the store in front of everyone.
in the middle of my bedroom, with no audience at all.

you all drive me crazy. 
m, m, a, a, d, v, t, e, s, p, y.
g, n, l.  
even the goddamn cat. 

just go away, will you? 

let me throw my tantrum in peace. 
let me be a child. 
don't make me be the strong one. 
i don't want to be the strong one.

i am not strong. 

i am weak, and fragile.

i can break at any moment.
shatter, like the mirror that soon will be destroyed. 

leave me alone. 

i'm not what you want.
nor what you need.
i've never been that. 
don't place me on a pedestal.

i am a raging lunatic at my best. 
at my worst? 

i am this. 

yours until the pigs fly,
alessondra marie. 

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