Sunday, May 29, 2011

I Just Want You

i hate that feeling you get when you have a million things left to say to someone, but won't have the opportunity to say anything. 

insanity is a scary feeling. most say it's a sate of mind, but i believe it is also an emotion. it is a feeling. it is a feeling closely related to foolishness. 

i feel insane often. 

i try to do one thing, come across as something else, and be perceived as something altogether different. 

i feel insane right now. 

if any one consistently reads my blog, please note, i will write about many things. but the major times i feel inspired to write are when i am upset. if you don't like it, then don't read me. 

this is my journal. i tell it how things are in my life.

i'll tell you how i feel without expecting anything in return. 

i can listen too, though. but only if that's what you want.

i just want what you want.

yours until the pigs fly, 
alessondra marie

1 comment:

  1. I agree that writing is a good way to release stress when you are upset.
