Monday, May 2, 2011

Wish Me Luck

how do you start a blog? "hi! i'm ali! i'm 16 years old, and i want to go all over the world!"

yeah... uh. no.

but honestly, i do want to travel the world. my current internation destination of interest is london, england. it has been said i want to go there for one reason: the wonderful jamie campbell bower. however, i beg to differ. i suppose i can beg all i want, but i won't understand why i want to go there anymore than you will.

so lets try to understand this together. yes, jamie bower does live in london, and yes, it would be fantastic to meet him and trip and magically have my medicore lips land on his perfectly sculpted lips. but realisticly, that wont happen. and i can accept that.

so do tell, why am i suddenly so fascinated with one of the most important historical cities in the world? it beats me. however, this desire has been placed on my heart. and there isn't much i can do to stop it. so i suppose i should take it and thrive.

but how in the world will i get there? of course, by airplane. but what will be my means of money? ah, yes. babysitting. i guess that'll have to do. right? right.

and alas, that is why i have created this measly blog; to tell my woes and tales of how i got to london. it may not be exciting. i cant promise you anything. but the end result must be marvelous.

but here are a few things you should know about me:
1. i do not capitalize anything. i'm sorry if this bothers you.
2. i will always address you as if you are actually listening.
3. i will rant, and will probably say something offensive.
4. i get writers block easily, so forgive me for inconsistant posts.
5. i am probably the worst speller you will ever meet, but i do my best.
6. i believe in proper grammar, and constructive criticism.

please feel free to contact me, and let me know that someone is actually listening.

yours until the pigs fly,
alessondra marie

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