Monday, May 2, 2011


i woke up this morning with a mouth full of cat hair and my mother yelling at me to get up; it's cleaning day.

i took a minute to savor the moment with my darling cat, calvin.
"i don't want to clean today, cal." i told him.
"i don’t want a bath today, mommy." he replied.
"oh, but you're stinky. you need one, fatty."
he scowled at me and jumped down from my bed.
i apologized to his tail as he walked out of my room.

i finally decided i'd get my chores done quickly and efficiently. i was motivated. i took my ipod in hand, and pooper scooper in the other, and began my chores.

just as i hoped, i finished quite quickly. i had hours to kill.

i hopped into the shower, and told my friend i'd be right back. i silently wondered how often a friend of mine texted me naked, just as they were getting into the shower.

not often, i hope... talk about awkward.

finally i was on the road; my brother drove me to one of my favorite homework places.

starbucks is a wonderful establishment. so many interesting, and friendly coffee lovers walk in and out everyday. the employees are wonderfully energetic. but not so hyper they're annoying. just friendly.

it's such a great place. so much can be accomplished from this measly coffee house. you can make friends, do homework, and alas, you can blog.

coffee houses inspire me to write. they make me feel in power. strong. they make me feel like i belong. and that sense of belonging is what i thrive off of.

that sense of belonging is what i believe i will constantly feel in london.

Blast the music and allow yourself to absorb the sunrise. these days are limited from now until forever. a fire fighting man, or a young child picking their nose. they're all the same. a mother with twins, or a girl with long hair. they're all inspiring. they're all beautiful. they're all real.

i often come here and try to imagine what these strangers lives are like when they leave this establishment.

how many have a desire to leave this town and never come back, like i do? how many have ran away from their own homes, and landed right here in dublin? is this someone's safe haven, like i imagine london will be mine? what a wonderful thought. i hope someone has found happiness in this town. it'll make up for the pain it's caused me.

i suppose that isn't really the town's fault. it's the people. right? right.

back to homework; time to accomplish something.

yours until the pigs fly,
alessondra marie

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