Tuesday, May 3, 2011


i don't understand why being naked is so inappropriate. Christian’s have this modern idea that we shouldn't reveal ourselves to anyone until the night we lose our virginity. apparently, that night should also be our wedding night.

here's some theology for you; god made us. god made us naked. we didn’t feel the need to cover ourselves until we felt sin and shame.

so i prose a question: are those that can walk freely in their own skin shamelessly, and not lustfully, less of a sinner than you or i, who feels shame?

i ask for a simple reason. i wonder what it is like to be comfortable and righteously proud of your body. i have only ever felt shame in regards to my body.

i'm not ugly. and i'm not fat. but i'm not beautiful. and i'm not as skinny as i'd like.

i'm a christian, therefore i should feel no shame. the blood of jesus covers my sins. blah blah blah. but i'm also a teenage girl. and all we ever feel is shame.

i suppose my self loathing has something to do with the violations that have been against me and my body. that's what people tell me, anyway.

but what's your excuse? you have beautiful blue eyes, adorable curly brown hair, and a body girls day dream about all day long. your father is a pastor so you of all people should know that shame over the body is a direct result of a hurting heart. so why is your heart hurting?

yours until pigs fly,
alessondra marie


  1. It's inappropriate because males are very visual people and it causes them to stumble. I do agree that we should not be ashamed of our own bodies, but guys tend to stumble when it comes to the naked body.

    Also, here's a reference to where it says not to cause others to stumble: 1 Corinthians 10:31-33

    God will not love us any more or less based on our actions. I think it's more of where our heart is at when it comes to this.

  2. that's not my fault guys can't keep it in their pants.

  3. I agree with Kenneth on this one. Christ said that it's better to be hurled into the ocean with a millstone strapped to your head than to knowingly cause another person to sin. So saying "that's not my fault guys can't keep it in their pants." is a futile argument.

  4. my initial point wasn't about guy's inability to stay pure. in fact, it has nothing to do with guys at all. i'm talking about the shame i feel when i am naked in front of people i should feel safe with. not the visualizations men may have about my body. my only point is that i should be able to walk in my own skin with no shame. obviously i'm not going to go walking around naked in front of guys. is that a futile argument?

  5. I like how ali talks about shame of the naked body and the two comments from two guys talks about the lust men feel and how it leads them to sin.

    Btw, that was not the point of the blog.
